Thursday, April 30, 2009

Why I'm Converting to Greek Mythology

That's right -- I think I am starting to prescribe to the Greek idea of the deities. They are nothing but trouble makers that like to mess around with the lives of mere humans just for fun. You don't believe me? Here is my evidence.

Whenever I work at the store, I get TONS of customers! It doesn't matter which day of the week it is, my day is the busy day. I eventually settled on working Wednesdays because statistically that day has been the slowest so far. I worked yesterday, and I had about 15 people show up! I don't know what to do with these people! I'm not a "closer." I don't know the Art of the Deal. I got two sales out of all that. Now, granted, I'm a sweetheart, so a few of them might come back, but sheesh! All I want is a little peace and quiet while I'm away from the kids for a day.

The second piece of evidence is that when Rom works, nobody comes into the store. It is torture for him to pace back and forth waiting for someone to come in. He is a people person! He is a spaz! He needs someone to keep him company. Alas, a good day for him is when he gets five people in the store. And guess what? He will typically sell all five of them! Yes, he is that good.

So, there you have it -- proof positive that the Greek gods exist and that they are very active meddling with me and Rom. I think I can hear them giggling right now.


Danya said...

No no Shelli, your a bit confused. It's not greek gods. It's Pixies and faeries. Pixies and faeries are the trouble makers to blame here. They are the cause of all mis-haps. Like when you are walking alone but you could swear you just felt someone poke your butt? Pixes and faeries. Taylor knows.

Anyways, I should go visit Rom on his work day! I am a total talkative, spaz, people person, too! We'd get along great!

Oh you know what you should do?!?!
You should read or listen to Nicholas Boothman's "How to Make People Like You in 90 Seconds or Less". AMAZING! This man is genious! It's only like $13 and totally well worth the investment for your business!

Lynda said...

Well, we all have our opinions on why things go the way they do, and I think Greek dieties are as good an answer as any! LOL
BUT... I don't think it's that people don't like you.., I'm pretty sure your sweet nature comes thorough with everyone you meet.
However, I absolutely know that you're brilliant, and that sales skills can be learned. I for one have gone to about a million seminars over my selling career and have read many, many books on it.
To be a closer, all you have to do is ask. If they're not ready to buy, you ask why not, respond to their concerns and/or questions, and then ask again. I once had a seminar leader tell us that if we had not asked for the order at least six times in each contact, we were not doing our jobs.
I'm pretty sure Rom makes the sales not only because he's a people person, but because he asks for it!
As to wanting them to go away so you can rest, well, that's another issue! :P}
Love you!

Ginger said...

Maybe Rom is too scary for people to come in and see. Tell him not to stand to close to the window. While you on the other hand are obviously a push-over. Try laying on one of the beds and see if that keeps them away.

Juli said...

Oh no they are not giggling, they are down right laughing! If you laid down on one of the beds then they would definitely buy one! LOL