Sunday, November 1, 2009

Tricks and Treats

We all had a fun Halloween this year! The kids enjoyed dressing up. We went to the Van Jindelt's annual Halloween potluck before going out trick or treating. Rom came home from work and took the kids out trick-or-treating. Poor Romney -- he's usually the one who scores the most candy, but this year he was supposed to meet a girl at the park for a party, and her mom wouldn't let her go at the last minute. He vows to not let any girl get in the way of his take next year.

I stayed home and handed out candy from my chair on the porch. I wonder ... am I getting old and crotchety? Or am I just plain evil? Our neighborhood is the neighborhood that people drive to for trick or treating. So, I put all the "good" candy on the bottom of the bowl, and crappy candy on top -- you know what I'm talking about: the sweet tarts, the gumballs, the smarties, the dumdums. I give out the crappy candy to most of the kids that come by, and I dig to the bottom of the bowl for the good candy when I recognize someone who is really from our neighborhood. Other signs I'm evil? When the kids come and stand in front of me with their bags open without saying anything, I just smile at them. I wait until it becomes uncomfortable. It finally dawns on them what is going on, and they say, "Trick or treat." Then I give them a piece of candy and wish them Happy Halloween. Final piece of evidence: I laugh (a discreet giggle, not a huge guffaw) when kids come running across my lawn and trip over the cords that hold my big blow up Frankenstein in place.

At least I didn't use my whip on anyone! (I mean, the kids at least! That was Rom's trick or treat.) ;)


Amanda said...

doesn't it bug you when they don't say trick or treat or when they whisper it? man i remember when i was a kid and we would practically scream it at the houses. it was one of the charms of halloween, i'm getting ginger to say it but we still gotta work on her voice level, she's a whisperer.


You are so funny! I have gotten a little crotchety, too. All the people from the trailer park next to our subdivision come over here and they are low class. I told one kid to pick two or three candies and he took a whole handful, so I smiled and reminded him two or three. So, what does his mother do next? Grabs a whole handful of candy!!!! So classy!
Also, I love your scary ending. That TMI about the whip sent chills down my spine. ;)

Robyn said...

LOL! I guess Abby got the crap candy then.. LOL!