Sunday, February 7, 2010

When It Rains, It Pours!

Ah, fate has a funny sense of humor! Rom's fantastic day at the store two weeks ago sparked a run that rivaled our best week ever. It was wonderful! We felt like we had a little breathing room, finally. Last week continued to be good, although not quite equaling the week before.

Rom was in the store Friday morning when he heard a huge crash! Apparently, a car driving by kicked up a huge chunk of concrete that shattered our east window. And it was raining. Of course. Take that, happy hopeful Howells!

I'm so glad it happened on Rom's day of work (sorry, honey!), because he took care of everything masterfully. The window was fixed by the end of the day, and the damage to our checking account was less than expected.

We're starting to move into the "mattress season." I bet you didn't even know there was a mattress season, did you? People are starting to get their tax returns. President's Day is coming up. Then Memorial Day. Ending with Labor Day. Good times. Even better, we have finally found someone to cover Sundays for us who leaves us with a profit at the end of the day! We are experimenting this month. He is also covering my days for me during my birthday and our tent sale. If he's successful (come on, it's not that hard to be more successful than me!), then we might make it a permanent solution. Fingers crossed!