Tuesday, October 14, 2008

52 Weeks Blessing

OK, I'm going to kill two birds with one stone here (figuratively, not literally, chill out PETA!). Today I am grateful for my book club!

We read amazingly interesting books and then get together to have the most amazing conversations about the book. For September, we read the book, "Infidel" (pictured). It really opened our eyes to the shocking way women are treated in the Islamic communities she talked about. We had a great discussion on women's rights, religions of the world, freedom of speech, and what we can do.

I love the variety of books we explore. So many of the titles I never would have picked up on my own. Most of the time, I love them! Sometimes, I can barely make it through. Every time, we have a thoughtful, honest discussion that brings meaning to our reading, regardless of whether you liked the book or not. Sharing so many opinions really opens our minds to different perspectives.

Plus, I love the women in our book club! We laugh, get off topic, and have fun!

Our next book looks to be excellent. It's "My Sister's Keeper," by Jodi Picoult. I looked up a summary of it, and I shouldn't have -- I found a spoiler I wouldn't have wanted to know. I can't wait to get a hold of the book, enjoy a good read, and get ready for another great discussion!

I'll post about our discussion next month. If you want to read the book, too, and share your opinions, I invite you to join us! I'll even share your thoughts at our book club!


Mike, Suzann and Family said...

I love hearing about new books. I was a lot slow in hearing about the Twilight series and I loved them. I know they are supposed to be for teenagers, but I really enjoyed them. I am going to check out My Sister's Keeper. Thanks for the recommendation.

Vidal's Nest said...

I wanted to join our wards book club even bought the book and read it but I kept asking when it was and was told they didn't know yet. Then I was told I missed it! Maybe I'll join yours! I love, love books!


I love books! I was going to join our ward book club, but I still haven't gotten the book and they are meeting this week. Maybe next month. I need to find more time for myself. I will have to check out those books you recommend.

sherry said...

"My Sister's Keeper" is an excellent book. (I'll warn you that it is definately her best book. Her others are not so great.) You'll have to e mail me what spoiler you got and I'll tell you if it will ruin it for you;) I almost never cry when I read books, but this one made me cry. I was warned, and appreciated the warning, so I am passing it on to you.I love a good book group. There is all sorts of value in getting together as women and discussing meaningful topics.

Ginger said...

I have heard about Infidel, you will have to loan it to me. I might want the other one when you are finished with it. I love book clubs, they are really fun.